The Big Stuff
Ep. 128: Packing Light and Getting Outdoors with Glen Van Peski

Ep. 128: Packing Light and Getting Outdoors with Glen Van Peski

Accidental inventor and author of Take Less, Do More gives insight into how to use nature as a tool to reconnect.

Our family has found so much joy in reconnecting to the outdoors in the last few years and today's guest made me start itching for adventure and fresh air a little bit more. Glen Van Peski is the author of the new book, Take Less, Do More, where he shares life lessons from his outdoor adventures on how to lighten your load in life and in your backpack. Together we discussed the beauty of nature, the lessons in letting go when it comes to parenthood, and choosing a life where our possessions don't take top priority.

Buy Take Less, Do More



The Big Stuff
The Big Stuff is my one stop shop for my weekly newsletter, minimalist lifestyle podcast, and Downsizing Series. Come hang out if you're ready to design a life that's bigger than stuff!